Monthly Meeting Schedule (subject to change) Prayer Shawl Ministry - 1st Tuesday, 1:00pm
Worship Committee - 1st Friday, 9:30 am Education Committee - Not meeting at this time
Staff Parish Relations Committee - 2nd Thursday, 1:00 pm
NOW Committee - 1st Wednesday, 10:00am
Trustees - 3rd Tuesday, 1:00 pm
Finance/Stewardship Committee - 3rd (or 4th*) Thursday, 1:00pm (part of Church Council)
Church Council - 3rd (or 4th*) Thursday, 1:00pm
United Methodist Men (UMM) - usually fourth Saturday of month, 8:00 am (no meeting
Memorial Committee - meetings are called as needed
* Finance/Stewardship and Church Council delay their meetings until the 4th Thursday in
months when the Trustees meeting occurs AFTER the third Thursday.